How to Recover from a Huge Purchase

Jordann Frugal Living

If you’re reading this blog, I’m going to assume you’re a bit of a personal finance nerd. No shame! But as a personal finance nerd you’ve been conditioned through hundreds of blog posts published by dozens of blogs to save, save, save your money. Save for that down payment, save for retirement, save for a rainy day! Those blogs aren’t …

50 Ways to Track Your Spending

Jordann Budgeting

One of the quickest and easiest ways to get a clear picture of your finances is to track your spending. When you know where every penny is going, you can make informed decisions about your money and how to manage it. In fact, I don’t think you can truly get your finances in order without tracking your spending, at least …

My Cash Diet

Jordann Frugal Living

When I was paying off my debt I would track my spending religiously with Then I got out of debt, and my spending got into a nice pattern and I didn’t see the need to use anymore, so I stopped. Then I moved to Halifax, and the slow creep of overspending started. I think it was a combination …

Shopping Bans Aren’t for Me

Jordann Budgeting

A shopping ban is when you decide you aren’t going to buy anything for a set period of time, usually between 30 days and one year. You don’t buy clothing, you don’t eat out, you don’t spend any money except on bills and groceries. A shopping ban can be a great way to cleanse your spending habits and it forces …

1 Month of Tracking My Spending

Jordann Budgeting

I’ve been living on a budget for over four years now, and I don’t know what I’d do without it. I love my budget. It tells me how much I can spend at any given time, and it takes the guess work out of my finances. Lately though, just having a budget hasn’t been enough to keep my spending under …

Where Does All My Money Go? Update

Jordann Budgeting

While my husband and I have combined finances, we both have our own separate chequing accounts. This means that every week, we deposit $20 each into our own personal accounts, and this is our “personal spending money”. I can spend my personal spending money on anything I want, and I don’t have to consult my husband about it. Whenever we …