How to Be a Minimalist Homeowner

Jordann Minimalism

  When the idea of homeownership comes to mind, you probably think of a few quintessential images like posing in front of the sold sign, moving your boxes into your home for the first time, and ordering a pizza and dining amongst the boxes. These are the images that most lenders use in their marketing strategies for mortgages, so it’s …

My Unintentionally Minimalist Christmas Decorations

Jordann Minimalism

I may criticise the consumerist side of the holidays, but I’m a big fan of Christmas. I especially enjoy the decorations. I love turning my home into a brightly coloured shrine to Christmas if only to stave off the depression of an oncoming Canadian winter for a few more weeks. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a few Christmas decorations. Most of …

My Minimalist Christmas Gift List

Jordann Minimalism

Christmas is right around the corner, and if you’ve been a good little personal financer, you’ve got a budgeted amount for your Christmas shopping, and a plan to pay for it. Myself, I’ve been putting away $25 per week since the beginning of September, for a total of $500 to spend on the big day, buying gifts for family, buying …

I’m a Bad Minimalist

Jordann Minimalism

I happily subscribe to most of the commandments of minimalism. I try to live with less, I don’t waste my money on useless knick-knacks, and my drawers are filled only with items I actually use. But there’s one area of minimalism I have a hard time getting on board with, and that’s owning a small number of items. Some minimalists …

A Minimalist’s Dilemma

Jordann Minimalism

As a minimalist, I try to live with less. I declutter regularly, I think long and hard about purchases before clicking the “order” button online, and I’m rarely sentimental about old possessions. At least once per year, I go through my home, room by room and methodically remove about 25% of my possessions. Decluttering is usually a straight forward process that …

My Minimalist Home

Jordann Minimalism

It’s now been six months (almost seven) since my husband and I moved out of our rented three bedroom house in the country and brought our lives to a two bedroom apartment in the city. The Goldfish in the Fishbowl The three-bedroom house wasn’t good for my minimalist tendencies. That house was huge and had both a basement and a …

This Weekend’s Declutter: The Kitchen

Jordann Minimalism

I continued my decluttering binge this weekend after taking a few weeks off to apartment hunt. I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with the kitchen because I thought it was be a huge under taking, but it was actually quite pleasant. We split up the decluttering and cleaning process into two days, otherwise it would’ve taken over four hours, which …